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Horse Riding in Every Country – A Travel Guide to Horse Riding Vacations & Holiday Destinations Around the World on Horseback – Krystal Kelly (2020)

They have worked hard to dig deep and find horse trail riding stables, polo clubs and equestrian travel agencies around the world for you to book your next horse riding vacation! The result is a Horse Riding Catalog with listings in (almost) Every Country in the World! This catalog is designed as an easy directory, with clickable links to all the listings in each country. Each of those listings contains at least a website or Facebook page link, as well as a contact email address. Start browsing and find the best horse riding holidays and horseback tours all over the world!
This year’s catalog features more than 400 stables and tours in over 180 countries with horse riding. Have a look through the list of countries covered and get inspired. Our catalog contains contact details for a vast amount of stables as well as tour operators and travel agencies which are focused on horse riding holidays, vacations and adventures. Save yourself hundreds of hours browsing on the internet trying to find a place to book your next horse vacation with this easy directory. And for anyone not entirely sure about the stable’s worthiness, they’ve “verified” some of the listings (by seeing them with our their eyes to ensure horse welfare!) and have marked the verified stables in the catalog.

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