This is an all-time favourite movie for me! Heath Ledger is so easy on the eye and story line is great 🙂 Who doesn’t love an old-school medieval fairy-tale that involves knights and horses <3 I'm not a huge fan of romantic comedies but this one is just so great 🙂
Such an awesome family film with great characters! Lots of good character development. Funny jokes for your kids and jokes you will catch yourself giggling at (both adult and kid humor which is great)! Kids all ages would love it.
A really inspiring and gripping film! Although this is a story about the people and land more so than it is about the horses. If you love Friesian Stallions – this one is for you 🙂
This was one of my favourite movies growing up. I thought Elizabeth Taylor was so beautiful! It gave me even more reasons to beg my mom to let us ride horses <3