Anita posted an update 5 years, 6 months ago
Watching the Heartland series I have realised it is not just a good serious, but so full of (life) lessons, both human and equine.
1. Keeping secrets/hiding things from your partner/spouse, rarely ends well. Especially if they find out from someone else.
2. Communication is key – you need to be able to listen as much as you can speak about problems/things that bother you.
3. LISTEN before you make assumptions/jump to conclusions/judge situations or people. A lot of times things aren’t what they seem and conflict can be avoided if you just speak about it and listen to a person instead of just walking away without giving a chance.
3. Family isn’t just blood. Family are the people that always has your back, no matter what.
4. Running away from your problems won’t solve them.5. There is always a reason a horse acts/reacts the way it does. It is your job to find out why and help him/her through it.
6. Even though a horse’s bloodline is for a specific discipline, he/she could be better suited for something else.
7. Your horse will know best what discipline it is suited to/likes best. Forcing him/her to do a discipline just because you want to do it will make both of you unhappy – you because your horse isn’t performing to your standards and your horse because he/she does not enjoy the job and would be better at doing something else.
8. The rider should adapt to the horse. Not the other way around.
9. Most issues can be sorted out with time and patience.
10. Horses also pine for companion’s lost.
Could not agree more
It’s actually a surprisingly good series.
So many of the horse movies/series make me cringe … this one much less so!
Definitely, we thoroughly enjoyed it and can’t wait for season 13 🙂