🤔❓🐴 Enter as a team or on your own for this FREE fun and funny live online equestrian quiz on 29 June!
If you like horses and horse riding, you will love this quiz – email info@nullneigh-bours.co.za to enter ✨
Whether you are locked down with friends, family, or on your own you can join in from a single screen on your pc or phone.
The trivia will last 45 – 60 minutes, with some fun banter and interaction in between.
The Logistics:
1. Spots are limited, the first 20 people to email info@nullneigh-bours.co.za to confirm their booking will have a spot reserved.
2. On the day of the event, you will receive a password and a link to the ZoomRoom in your email, please make sure you accept the invite so we know to expect you.
3. The ZoomRoom will open 10 minutes prior to the start of the event in order for you to size up your competition.
• Have a pen and paper and a sense of humour handy.
• You can play off a pc or phone that has sound & a mic… and a webcam or phone camera is a big plus!
(You’ll need the free Zoom Cloud app on your phone only – nothing extra needed for desktops or laptops)
• Please try test everything beforehand, we will not be able to help you with your tech once the quiz has started, nor will questions be repeated if you arrive late.
✨ 1 bonus point if you are signed up on the Neigh-Bours site as a member (It’s free and fast – sign up now on www.neigh-bours.co.za)
✨ 1 bonus point if you are dressed suitably equestrian!
✨ 1 bonus point for having a non-breathing horsey mascot with you
✨ 2 bonus points for making a donation on www.neigh-bours.co.za/product/online-quiz-donation/
1. ABSOLUTELY NO GOOGLING, we are trusting you.
2. No shouting out of the answers
3. No leaving the (irl) room whilst the questions are being asked
4. Quiz Mistress’ decision is final, we do not negotiate
5. Just have fun!
Quiz Mistress D will explain the rules on your arrival.
Join us and the alternative community, make friends, play the game and keep the lockdown blues locked out!
It’s free to join, but donations are welcomed – click www.neigh-bours.co.za/product/online-quiz-donation/ for the standard R20 donation
Help keep Neigh-Bours online!
Donate now to participate in our online events – you can edit the amount to whatever you want!