When yards and other equestrian businesses are ready to re-open, the law requires them to show the PPE that must be worn when entering, and awareness around COVID-19 as part of what they need to do to be compliant.
Neigh-Bours has created an A4 five poster pack + visitor register and visitor declaration, and it is available FREE for download by any site member!
You are welcome to print it out, laminate the posters and use as needed.
Neigh-Bours has created 5 more A5 posters to help your riders remember how to keep the yard compliant… plus a free printable mask pattern that you can print out and give away. You are welcome to print it out, laminate the posters and use as needed.
[sdm_download id=”19034″ fancy=”1″]
[sdm_download id=”19034″ fancy=”1″]