Featured News

WIN faecal egg counts for your yard valued at R4500!

Win 30 free faecal egg counts (FECs) from Paragon Scientific worth R4500 to use as you like between 15 March 2020 and 15 March 2021. TO ENTER: STEP 1️...[Read More]

Heartfelt Horsemanship competition winner announcement!

Congrats to Susan Thompson Soutar who ?? WINS Module 1 of the Heartfelt Horsemanship Natural Horse Management Certification valued at over R1950! Gare...[Read More]

Tabard Competition Winners enjoying their prize!

Jolene and Moscow say “Reason to celebrate  A huge thank you to Neigh-Bours & Tabard Equine Lotion for this amazing prize.” We’r...[Read More]

WIN Module 1 of the Heartfelt Horsemanship Natural Horse Management Certification valued at over R1950!

?? WIN Module 1 of the Heartfelt Horsemanship Natural Horse Management Certification valued at over R1950! The courseware consists of written material...[Read More]

Second 5l Tabard Lotion Winner Announced

And the winner of our second Tabard Equine “Win a 5l Tabard Lotion for your horse” competition is …. Jolene Poore! CONGRATS Jolene &...[Read More]

Tabard Competition Winners enjoying their prize!

[user_id]Nadine from I-Quest Stables, along with Chantell (who had the winning entry) and Finch (the horse) say “We and all the school horses wa...[Read More]

WIN ANOTHER 5l TABARD LOTION for your horse valued at over R1400!

Step 1: LIKE the Tabard Equine​ Facebook Page Step 2: LIKE this pic on our Facebook Page & TAG a riding friend Step 3: SHARE the Facebook post (PU...[Read More]

5l Tabard Lotion Winner Announced

And the winner of our Tabard Equine “Win a 5l Tabard Lotion for you horse for Xmas” comp is …. Chantell du Preez! CONGRATS Chantell ...[Read More]

WIN a 5l TABARD LOTION for your horse for Xmas valued at over R1400!

Step 1: LIKE the Tabard Equine​ Facebook Page Step 2: LIKE this pic on our Facebook Page & TAG a riding friend Step 3: SHARE the Facebook post (PU...[Read More]

Black Friday Promo Code

WE LIKE OUR FRIDAYS LIKE WE LIKE OUR HORSES …. BLACK! Use the promo code NBBF2019 on and get R100 off all featured business listings OR get R100...[Read More]

Do YOU have SA’s most shareworthy horse?

?️? Neigh-Bours is looking for SA’s MOST SHAREWORTHY original equine video clip! Message us MAX 30 secs of your horse/s doing something cute, fu...[Read More]

WIN a horsey DVD Box Set!

There is a secret time chosen for the Online Chat: Meet your Neigh-Bours and WIN event on Tuesday 5 November. The person who says something (anything)...[Read More]

Neigh-Bours Meme Shirts

? Neigh-Bours shirts, printed and packed and ready for delivery! Get yours at the shop now!

The Neigh-Bours shop is now OFFICIALLY OPEN!

? The Neigh-Bours shop is now OFFICIALLY OPEN! Our super popular meme shirts are back in stock, just in time for summer! Head over to our online Shop ...[Read More]

New Report
