
Have you booked for the “How Much Can You Horse” online quiz?

🤔❓🐴 Enter as a team or on your own for this FREE fun and funny live online equestrian quiz on 29 June! If you like horses and horse riding, you will l...[Read More]

Cash prizes for the Neigh-Bours’ Glad Rags & Fancy Nags Online Dress Up Competition up for grabs!

We’re proud to introduce the Neigh-Bours’ Glad Rags & Fancy Nags Online Dress Up Competition! It’s easy and there is CASH TO BE ...[Read More]

WIN a horsey DVD Box Set!

There is a secret time chosen for the Online Chat: Meet your Neigh-Bours and WIN event on Tuesday 5 November. The person who says something (anything)...[Read More]

Theme for 2nd SA Trails Treasure Hunt Announced!

The theme for The 2nd SA Horse Trails Treasure Hunt is …. ?? HALLOWEEN! ?? You are welcome to dress up your horses and yourselves – best d...[Read More]

Featured Special

How to spoil the horse person in your life for Valentines! (Mini Valentines couples photoshoot also available on the day!)

New Report
